
Please review the five policies below.


Lessons are offered Monday through Friday. Lessons are not offered on Saturdays or Sundays. Students typically have lessons every other week since I can usually only fit one lesson per day. I do this since I'm a full-time substitute teacher in addition my role with the Northville High School Band as well as a member of professional and community bands. I schedule lessons around all of this, so I ask that you schedule your activities around your lesson time. I make my best effort be as flexible as possible with rescheduling, but can only do so much with my full schedule.

Regular lessons are crucial to reinforce the material and techniques shown in the lesson. Set an alarm so you and your parents do not forget about lessons. I create Google Calendar events for lessons so that you can add them to your personal electronic calendar to see lesson cancellations, or updated lesson days or times if we have to reschedule.

Avoid scheduling events that conflict with your lesson unless they are unavoidable. Notify me as soon as possible if you have an unavoidable circumstance. I will offer to reschedule if there are openings in my schedule, or cancel due to unavoidable circumstances. Since I am hired through Northville Public Schools as the Percussion Instructor and Assistant Marching Band Director for the Northville High School Bands, performances and certain rehearsals may conflict with lessons times and I may need to cancel lessons to attend those commitments.


I charge $40 per 1-hour lesson. I also charge $30 per 45-minute lesson if the student opts for a slightly shorter lesson. I am flexible if you would like to pay for a full month of lessons at the beginning of the month, or pay at the time of each lesson.

Missed paid lessons will be credited to the next month if a twenty-four (24) hour notice is given, or if there is a legitimate reason such as inclement weather, instructor cancellation, or other emergency/unavoidable circumstance less than a day in advance. Expenses from music materials (sticks, books, drums, etc.) that are purchased from me do not have to be paid immediately, but can be added to the next lesson payment.

On Your Lesson Day

If you're feeling sick on your lesson day, do NOT attend in-person. Notify me and we'll have a Zoom lesson if you're able.

Remember: lessons aren't performances! There's nothing wrong with making mistakes in the lesson. When you make mistakes, I'll help fix them so you can practice correctly at home, avoid making the same mistake several times, and learn how to cover up mistakes when you perform for an audience. I always tell everyone that when you make mistakes, you'll become better at what you're doing since you know what not to do: there are more wrong ways to do things than right ways. Odds are that the mistakes you make are the same exact ones I made.

Two options are offered for drum lessons. Follow the specific instructions and etiquette for the mode of instruction. Lesson times are the same regardless of instruction mode unless stated otherwise.

🏠 In-Person Lessons 🏠

If you're feeling sick on your lesson day, do NOT attend in-person. Notify me and we'll have a Zoom lesson if you're able.

Are you remembering to bring your sticks, binder, notebook, and books to your lesson? Arrive approximately five minutes ahead of your lesson time. We can't usually make up lost time if you arrive late. If my front door is open before your lesson start time, it means I'm ready for your lesson and you can come inside. If the door is closed and it's not yet your lesson time, it means I'm not ready and you should wait in the car until your lesson time.

NOTE: If for any reason you have to switch to Zoom for a specific week, notify me no later than 3:00 PM on the day of your lesson. This is because I have to make sure I have my virtual lesson equipment ready to go.

💻 Virtual Zoom Lessons 💻 

Offered due to inclement weather, illness, by instructor decision, or as needed based on specific circumstances (e.g. unable to get a ride).

A laptop is preferred due better audio quality and ability to customize audio settings, but tablets and phones are okay if a laptop can't be used. Current students and parents can find the Zoom Link and Meeting ID in the Google Calendar event. Login to Zoom approximately five minutes ahead of your lesson time to check for Zoom application updates and that your audio and video are working. You'll be placed in the Waiting Room and I'll admit you at your lesson time. Keep your microphone unmuted and webcam on at all times aimed at you and your snare drum or drum set unless otherwise stated. Headphones are recommended so that you can easily hear me talk even when you're playing.

Make sure the Zoom application on the device you are using is updated to the most recent version to avoid any glitches. In Audio Settings, adjust the following for the best audio quality:

Individual Practice

Applied Music, which means actively playing your instrument, is effective in improving cognition and motor skills. It's a great way to clear your mind and take a break from regular academic homework or studying. Students should practice30 minutes per day at minimum. This is just like studying for an academic class, and going over what we did in the lesson right after you get home is a great way to reinforce the material and put it into long-term memory. I recommend that you practice at least 15 minutes before the lesson if possible to warm-up and review the material from the week before, and at least 15 minutes after the lesson to review the new material that we just covered. I may ask you to fill out a paper/digital practice sheet at random.

Weather, Emergencies, and Holidays

Rather than putting yourself in danger on the road in inclement weather like severe storms or snow, stay home. We'll switch to Zoom for those specific situations, as well as if you're unable to attend your lesson in-person due to transportation, illness, etc. Sometimes lessons have been cancelled due to Wi-Fi or power outages. Current students and parents are given my Remind class information, which is very useful for mass communications in situations like this. Ask me for the join link if you aren't on it yet.

We typically don't meet for lessons during holiday weeks. Lessons are optional during certain school breaks. I'll remind you ahead of time and update your Google Calendar event.