
Current students and parents can access music here:

Materials List

I procure materials for students as needed, such as books, sticks, drum sets, and more. The cost is then added to the lesson payment. I provide handouts as needed from supplementary books that are not required, or you can choose to purchase them from me or a music store.

Required Materials

Supplementary Materials

Lesson Music

All handouts used in the lesson are located in the Adam's Drum Lessons Google Drive folder. I have electronic versions of select books posted there as well. Only my students and their parents are given access to this folder via email. Students may be asked to print handouts ahead of time to look over at home before a lesson; if unable, I can print them out if you let me know in advance. No handouts are provided from books that are required; you must bring those books since we work through the entire book. Always bring your sticks, notebook, and binder to every drum lesson, but I will indicate in your notebook which books to bring for the lesson.

School & Recital Music

I highly encourage students to bring any music, such as from band class, to the lesson if they would like to go over it. I can help students with auditions of any kind, such as Drumline or Jazz Band. I have a marching snare and tenor drums available for your use in the lesson. I can also help with mallet instrument parts as I have a bell kit.

I highly encourage students in grades 7-12 to participate in MSBOA’s District and State Solo & Ensemble Festivals throughout the school year, and I will give precedence to that and other school-related or recital-related music material over my teaching material to help you prepare.